Results for 'Nina Valiquette Moreau'

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  1.  52
    Musical Mimesis and Political Ethos in Plato’s Republic.Nina Valiquette Moreau - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (2):192-215.
    This essay argues that Plato’s Republic includes a widely overlooked meditation on the affective dimension of political judgment. This meditation occurs in the passages on music. In music, Plato identifies the possibility of an extra-rational aesthetic activity that prepares the soul for reasoned judgment: he makes musical mimesis the precondition to logos (speech, reasoned account) because of its ability to actualize in the soul the very ethos required of sound judgment. Music is able to do this because it is not (...)
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    Poetic Justice: Rereading Plato’s Republic.Nina Valiquette Moreau - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (4):259-262.
  3. AI through the looking glass: an empirical study of structural social and ethical challenges in AI.Mark Ryan, Nina De Roo, Hao Wang, Vincent Blok & Can Atik - 2024 - AI and Society 1 (1):1-17.
    This paper examines how professionals (N = 32) working on artificial intelligence (AI) view structural AI ethics challenges like injustices and inequalities beyond individual agents' direct intention and control. This paper answers the research question: What are professionals’ perceptions of the structural challenges of AI (in the agri-food sector)? This empirical paper shows that it is essential to broaden the scope of ethics of AI beyond micro- and meso-levels. While ethics guidelines and AI ethics often focus on the responsibility of (...)
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    Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research.Thomas Pradeu, Bertrand Daignan-Fornier, Andrew Ewald, Pierre-Luc Germain, Samir Okasha, Anya Plutynski, Sébastien Benzekry, Marta Bertolaso, Mina Bissell, Joel S. Brown, Benjamin Chin-Yee, Ian Chin-Yee, Hans Clevers, Laurent Cognet, Marie Darrason, Emmanuel Farge, Jean Feunteun, Jérôme Galon, Elodie Giroux, Sara Green, Fridolin Gross, Fanny Jaulin, Rob Knight, Ezio Laconi, Nicolas Larmonier, Carlo Maley, Alberto Mantovani, Violaine Moreau, Pierre Nassoy, Elena Rondeau, David Santamaria, Catherine M. Sawai, Andrei Seluanov, Gregory D. Sepich-Poore, Vanja Sisirak, Eric Solary, Sarah Yvonnet & Lucie Laplane - 2023 - Biological Reviews 98 (5):1668-1686.
    Cancers rely on multiple, heterogeneous processes at different scales, pertaining to many biomedical fields. Therefore, understanding cancer is necessarily an interdisciplinary task that requires placing specialised experimental and clinical research into a broader conceptual, theoretical, and methodological framework. Without such a framework, oncology will collect piecemeal results, with scant dialogue between the different scientific communities studying cancer. We argue that one important way forward in service of a more successful dialogue is through greater integration of applied sciences (experimental and clinical) (...)
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    Bootstrapping Concepts via Hybridization: A Step-by-step Guide.Matteo De Benedetto & Nina Poth - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
    Carey’s (2009) account of bootstrapping in developmental psychology has been criticized out of a lack of theoretical precision and because of its alleged circularity (Rips et al. 2013, Cognition 128 (3): 320–330; Fodor 2010, Times Literary Supplement, 7–8; Rey 2014, Mind & Language 29 (2): 109–132). In this paper, we respond to these criticisms by connecting the debate on bootstrapping with recent accounts of conceptual creativity in philosophy of science. Specifically, we build on Nersessian’s (2010) hybrid-models-based theory of scientific conceptual (...)
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    A contextual integrity approach to genomic information: what bioethics can learn from big data ethics.Nina F. de Groot - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (3):367-379.
    Genomic data is generated, processed and analysed at an increasingly rapid pace. This data is not limited to the medical context, but plays an important role in other contexts in society, such as commercial DNA testing, the forensic setting, archaeological research, and genetic surveillance. Genomic information also crosses the borders of these domains, e.g. forensic use of medical genetic information, insurance use of medical genomic information, or research use of commercial genomic data. This paper (1) argues that an informed consent (...)
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  7. Not Every Thing Must Go.Trey Boone, Nina Van Rooy & Felipe De Brigard - forthcoming - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
    In The Entangled Brain, Pessoa criticizes standard approaches in cognitive neuroscience in which the brain is seen as a functionally decomposable, modular system with causal operations built up hierarchically. Instead, he advocates for an emergentist perspective whereby dynamic brain networks are associated, not with traditional psychological categories, but with behavioral functions characterized in evolutionary terms. Here, we raise a number of concerns with such a radical approach. We ultimately believe that while much revision to cognitive neuroscience is welcome and needed, (...)
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    Oeuvres Philosophiques D'Arnauld.Antoine Arnauld, Elmar J. Kremer & Denis Moreau - 2003 - Continuum.
  9.  14
    Langages.François de Polignac, Françoise Vielliard, Jean-Claude Margolin, Paul J. Smith, Joël Cornette, Pierre-François Moreau, Joëlle Proust & Mireille Gueissaz - 1989 - Revue de Synthèse 110 (3-4):499-515.
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    Effects of consent form information on self-disclosure.Sandra T. Sigmon, Kelly J. Rohan, Diana Dorhofer, Lisa A. Hotovy, Peter C. Trask & Nina Boulard - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (4):299 – 310.
    When researchers encounter preexisting psychological distress in participants, ethical codes provide little guidance on how to balance issues of beneficence and autonomy. Although researchers may inform participants what will occur given responses indicating distress, this information may lead to biased self-reports. This important issue was addressed in this study by manipulating consent form information regarding the type of psychopathology to be assessed and various levels of possible follow-up. In comparing responses on self-report measures of anxiety, depression, and general psychological distress, (...)
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    Review Essay: Limits of the Numerical and the Personalized Measurement Trend in Mental Health Care.Nina S. de Boer & Rosa W. Runhardt - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (5):442-458.
    Limits of the Numerical calls for the (re)contextualization of the numerical in the social domain and emphasizes that using quantitative data has epistemic and practical/moral considerations that may not align. In this review essay, we evaluate these claims using a case study, viz. the personalized, clinical experience sampling method (ESM) in mental health care. This case study (1) nuances claims made in Limits of the Numerical regarding the generality and non-contextuality of numerical data, and (2) highlights two additional dimensions to (...)
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  12.  8
    Evolutionary Perspectives on Enhancing Quality of Life.Mads Larsen & Nina Witoszek - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    Positive psychology is a thriving field with increasing political influence, yet there are few evolutionary studies that have had a tangible impact on rethinking mechanisms of well-being. This Element reviews existing literature and proposes synthesizing insights into human flourishing under an umbrella of multilevel selection (MLS). Conceptualizing quality of life as 'Happiness + Meaning = Well-being' draws attention to how people navigate between individual and group needs, and how they reconcile selfish pursuits with altruism and cooperation. We define happiness as (...)
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  13.  16
    Diversität: Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts.André Louis Blum, Nina Zschocke, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Vincent Barras (eds.) - 2015 - Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
    Diversität ist eines der zentralen Themen unserer Zeit. Sie durchdringt alle Lebensbereiche unserer Gesellschaften. Das Nachdenken über Diversität reicht von den Naturwissenschaften über die Geschichtswissenschaften, die Gesellschaftswissenschaften, die Philosophie bis zu den Künsten. Diversität ist zudem politisch und emotional beladen. Man denke an gesellschaftliche Minderheiten und ihre Rechte oder an das massive Artensterben unserer Tage. In diesem Buch wird nicht nur über Einzelaspekte von Diversität berichtet, es wird auch eine Synthese versucht. Drei einleitende Kapitel der HerausgeberInnen führen verständlich in komplexe (...)
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  14.  12
    Antoine Arnauld: Trois Études.Jean Robert Armogathe, Jean Lesaulnier & Denis Moreau (eds.) - 1994 - La Rochelle: Rumeur des âges.
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    Le bicentenaire de la révolution.Dominique Bourel, Jean-Yves Grenier, Nicolas Quillet, Édouard Guitton, Akira Yoshida, Pierre-François Moreau, Monique Cottret, Nicole Lemaitre, Ali Chenoufi, Joël Lefebvre & Anne-Marie Cocula - 1990 - Revue de Synthèse 111 (3):368-389.
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    A ‘no’ with a trace of ‘yes’: A mouse-tracking study of negative sentence processing.Emily J. Darley, Christopher Kent & Nina Kazanina - 2020 - Cognition 198 (C):104084.
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    Outline of a Process for Organizational Ethics Consultation.Susan Goold, Leslie Kamil, Nina Cohan & Susan Sefansky - 2000 - HEC Forum 12 (1):69-77.
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  18. L'ame du monde de Platon aux stoïciens par Joseph Moreau.Joseph Moreau - 1939 - Paris,: Société d'édition "Les Belles lettres,".
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  19. Entretien sur l’histoire du matérialisme.Pierre-François Moreau & Charles T. Wolfe - 2020 - Revue de Synthèse 141 (1-2):107-129.
    Résumé Charles Wolfe vient de publier Lire le matérialisme (ENS Éditions, 2020), où il esquisse une histoire des différentes formes de matérialisme, y compris le matérialisme vitaliste et les versions du XXe et du XXIe siècle. Pierre-François Moreau, auteur de la préface de l’ouvrage, entame ici une discussion sur les problèmes et les ressources d’une telle histoire.
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    Tag, you're it: Affect tagging promotes goal formation and selection.Eliza Bliss-Moreau & Lisa A. Williams - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):138-139.
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    Synkretyczne pouczenie jogiczne w Ćarakasanhicie.Nina Budziszewska - 2021 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 11 (2).
    A syncretic yogic instruction in Carakasanhita : Śārīrasthāna 1.137–155, contained in Book 4 of the Ćarakasaṃhitā, is a short treatise on yoga presented for āyurvedic purposes. In its yogic interpretation, the work comprises the Upaniṣads, the Mahābhārata, some Sāṃkhya’s and Vaiśeṣika’s notions as well as the meditative interpretation present in the Buddhist tradition. The ŚS gives a threefold path leading to mokṣa, the state of supreme brahman with which the conscious being, bhūtātman, becomes one : yoga, smṛti, and sāṃkhya. The (...)
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    Bernard Besnier.Pierre-François Moreau & David Wittmann - 2015 - Revue de Synthèse 136 (1-2):135-138.
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    Permanence de la philosophie: mélanges offerts à Joseph Moreau.Joseph Moreau (ed.) - 1977 - Neuchâtel: A la Baconnière.
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  24. Plotin.Joseph Moreau - 1970 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Sexual Activity in Couples Dealing With Breast Cancer. A Cohort Study of Associations With Patient, Partner and Relationship-Related Factors.Nina Rottmann, Pia Veldt Larsen, Christoffer Johansen, Mariët Hagedoorn, Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton & Dorte Gilså Hansen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveBreast cancer may profoundly affect a couple’s sex life. The present study examines whether patient-, partner- and relationship-related characteristics are associated with sexual activity of couples following breast cancer diagnosis in the treatment phase and over time.MethodsWomen with breast cancer and their male cohabiting partners participated in a longitudinal study in Denmark. Logistic regression was used to examine associations of patient-, partner- and relationship-related characteristics at baseline with couples’ sexual activity at baseline, 5 and 12 months later. The longitudinal analyses (...)
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  26. Chance, Possibility, and Explanation.Nina Emery - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (1):95-120.
    I argue against the common and influential view that non-trivial chances arise only when the fundamental laws are indeterministic. The problem with this view, I claim, is not that it conflicts with some antecedently plausible metaphysics of chance or that it fails to capture our everyday use of ‘chance’ and related terms, but rather that it is unstable. Any reason for adopting the position that non-trivial chances arise only when the fundamental laws are indeterministic is also a reason for adopting (...)
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    Monsters, Goddesses and Cyborgs: Feminist Confrontations with Science, Medicine and Cyberspace.Nina Lykke & Rosi Braidotti - 1996
    It is divided into four sections covering science as a whole, the new technologies of the postmodern era, bio-medical discourses, and nature. A distinguished cast of contributors explores the central feminist concerns in each arena, through the central metaphors of monster, mother goddess and cyborg. They look at the consequences of gynogenesis, postmodern eco-buddhism in heathcare, sexual violence in cyberspace, the postmodernization of menopause, the dolphin as androgyne and feminist environmentalism.
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  28. Chance, Possibility, and Explanation.Nina Emery - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (1):axt041.
    I argue against the common and influential view that non-trivial chances arise only when the fundamental laws are indeterministic. The problem with this view, I claim, is not that it conflicts with some antecedently plausible metaphysics of chance or that it fails to capture our everyday use of ‘chance’ and related terms, but rather that it is unstable. Any reason for adopting the position that non-trivial chances arise only when the fundamental laws are indeterministic is also a reason for adopting (...)
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  29. Money Talks. Explaining How Money Really Works.Nina Bandelj, Frederick F. Wherry & Viviana A. Zelizer - 2017
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    Who does Neuroethics Scholarship Address, and What Does it Recommend? A Content Analysis of Selected Abstracts from the International Neuroethics Society Annual Meetings.Nina Yichen Wei, Rebekah J. Choi, Laura Specker Sullivan & Anna Wexler - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-10.
    Much neuroethics literature concludes with a set of normative recommendations. While these recommendations can be a helpful way of summarizing a proposal for a future direction, some have recently argued that ethics scholarship has devoted insufficient attention to considerations of audience and real-world applications. To date, however, while scholars have conducted topic analyses of neuroethics literature, to our knowledge no study has evaluated who neuroethics scholarship addresses and what it recommends. The objective of the present study therefore was to provide (...)
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  31. Bridging learning theory and dynamic epistemic logic.Nina Gierasimczuk - 2009 - Synthese 169 (2):371-384.
    This paper discusses the possibility of modelling inductive inference (Gold 1967) in dynamic epistemic logic (see e.g. van Ditmarsch et al. 2007). The general purpose is to propose a semantic basis for designing a modal logic for learning in the limit. First, we analyze a variety of epistemological notions involved in identification in the limit and match it with traditional epistemic and doxastic logic approaches. Then, we provide a comparison of learning by erasing (Lange et al. 1996) and iterated epistemic (...)
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    Gutenberggalaxens nova: en essäberättelse om Erasmus av Rotterdam, humanismen och 1500-talets medierevolution: samt om Albrecht Dürer, Hans Holbein d.y., Paracelsus, Martin Luther, Thomas More, Michel de Montaigne, diverse pedagoger, anatomer, encyklopeder, påvar och rebeller.Nina Burton - 2016 - Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag.
    Gutenbergs tryckteknik ledde till en medierevolution som förändrades Europa. I 1500-talets början spreds litteratur, grafik och vetenskap, men också nyhetsblad om katastrofer, pamfletter om invaderande turkar och religiösa stridsskrifter. Medan mycket ännu vägde blommade renässanshumanismen genom Erasmus av Rotterdam. Han stod bakom en femtedel av Europas böcker, och skulle ge framtiden ett viktigt arv. Nina Burton skriver om Erasmus och hans tid så att man känner sig vara med när han träffar konstnärerna och de intellektuella? Albrecht Dürer, Holbein d.y., (...)
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  33. The Metaphysical Consequences of Counterfactual Skepticism.Nina Emery - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (2):399-432.
    A series of recent arguments purport to show that most counterfactuals of the form if A had happened then C would have happened are not true. These arguments pose a challenge to those of us who think that counterfactual discourse is a useful part of ordinary conversation, of philosophical reasoning, and of scientific inquiry. Either we find a way to revise the semantics for counterfactuals in order to avoid these arguments, or we find a way to ensure that the relevant (...)
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  34. Voting and political participation.Nina A. Kohn - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron (eds.), The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Generating Relations Elicits a Relational Mindset in Children.Nina K. Simms & Lindsey E. Richland - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12795.
    Relational reasoning is a hallmark of human higher cognition and creativity, yet it is notoriously difficult to encourage in abstract tasks, even in adults. Generally, young children initially focus more on objects, but with age become more focused on relations. While prerequisite knowledge and cognitive resource maturation partially explains this pattern, here we propose a new facet important for children's relational reasoning development: a general orientation to relational information, or a relational mindset. We demonstrate that a relational mindset can be (...)
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  36. What is discrimination?Sophia Moreau - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 38 (2):143-179.
  37. The true self: A psychological concept distinct from the self.Nina Strohminger, Joshua Knobe & George Newman - 2017 - Perspectives on Psychological Science 12 (4):551-560.
    A long tradition of psychological research has explored the distinction between characteristics that are part of the self and those that lie outside of it. Recently, a surge of research has begun examining a further distinction. Even among characteristics that are internal to the self, people pick out a subset as belonging to the true self. These factors are judged as making people who they really are, deep down. In this paper, we introduce the concept of the true self and (...)
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  38. The gratuitous relationship between broca's aphasia and broca's area.Nina F. Dronkers - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):30-31.
    Many authors assume that Broca's area subserves the functions that are lost in patients with Broca's aphasia. This commentary attempts to clarify the relationship between Broca's area and Broca's aphasia and suggests that statements about the neurology of patients' specific language functions might be better supported by their individual structural neuroimaging data.
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  39. Muddy Children, Generalized Quantifiers and Internal Complexity.Nina Gierasimczuk - unknown
    This paper generalizes Muddy Children puzzle to account for a large class of possible public announcements with various quantifiers. We identify conditions for solvability of the extended puzzle, with its classical version as a particular case. The characterization suggests a novel way of modeling multi-agent epistemic reasoning. The framework is based on the concept of number triangle. The advantage of our approach over more general formalizations in epistemic logics, like Dynamic Epistemic Logic, is that it gives models of linear size (...)
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    How Phenograms and Cladograms Became Molecular Phylogenetic Trees.Nina Kranke - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (3):423-443.
    Tree diagrams are the prevailing form of visualization in biological classification and phylogenetics. Already during the time of the so-called Systematist Wars from the mid-1960s until the 1980s most journal articles and textbooks published by systematists contained tree diagrams. Although this episode of systematics is well studied by historians and philosophers of biology, most analyses prioritize scientific theories over practices and tend to emphasize conflicting theoretical assumptions. In this article, I offer an alternative perspective by viewing the conflict through the (...)
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    Obraz mira cherez prizmu kont︠s︡eptov povsednevnosti: monografii︠a︡.Nina Ivanovna Kurganova - 2020 - Minsk: RIVSh.
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    Dynamic Characteristics of Metro Tunnel Closely Parallel to a Ground Fissure.Nina Liu, Quanzhong Lu, Xiaoyang Feng, Wen Fan, Jianbing Peng, Weiliang Liu & Xin Kang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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    List of referees 2010.Nina Lykke & Cecilia Åsberg - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (4):443-444.
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    L'éthique professionnelle des enseignants: enjeux, structures et problèmes.Didier Moreau (ed.) - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ces recherches ont été conduites au Québec et en France par des spécialistes de l'éthique de l'éducation ; elles portent sur l'enseignement du primaire au supérieur et concernent autant les métiers de l'enseignement que ceux de la vie scolaire. Elles abordent les problèmes pratiques auxquels les enseignants sont confrontés : le rapport aux valeurs, à l'éducation morale, à l'évaluation, à la production de normes, aux inégalités scolaires, etc.
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    La Vision politique de Malebranche by Raffaele Carbone.Denis Moreau - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (1):177-178.
    Le jugement qu'on portera sur ce livre dépendra en grande partie de la façon dont on évaluera son contenu en fonction des attentes créées par son titre. Si l'on espère une mise au jour—qui, de fait, serait novatrice—d'une pensée précise, développée et systématique de Malebranche sur les thèmes cardinaux de la philosophie politique classique, on sera déçu: ce livre ne contient rien de tel, sinon, dans une certaine mesure, en sa troisième partie. Si l'on compte lire une monographie informée offrant (...)
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    S'asseoir et se regarder passer: itinéraire(s) d'un sociologue de province.Gilles Moreau - 2022 - Paris: La Dispute.
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    Wir sind die Vereinten Nationen! Zivilgesellschaft für Menschenrechte und Nachhaltigkeit.Nina Reiners - 2021 - Polis 25 (3):12-15.
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  48. Einführung: Diversität und die Künste.Nina Zschocke - 2015 - In André Louis Blum, Nina Zschocke, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Vincent Barras (eds.), Diversität: Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
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    Intersectionality as multi-level analysis: Dealing with social inequality.Nina Degele & Gabriele Winker - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (1):51-66.
    The concept of intersectionality is on its way to becoming a new paradigm in gender studies. In its current version, it denominates reciprocities between gender, race and class. However, it also allows for the integration of other socially defined categories, such as sexuality, nationality or age. On the other hand, it is widely left unclear as to which level these reciprocal effects apply: the level of social structures, the level of constructions of identity or the level of symbolic representations. This (...)
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    Experience and Eternity in Spinoza.Pierre-Francois Moreau & Robert Boncardo - 2021 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Through a detailed study of Spinoza's concept of 'experience', Moreau shows how Spinoza extends the power of reason to capture the singularity of individuals: their lives, languages, passions and societies.
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